A desert in my kitchen?

2025/2026 Creation

What is blue and far more precious than gold?

For this third play for young audiences, we are continuing the reflection begun with The Dense Forest (2013) and Mirages – boreal souls (2018), on ecology in the broadest sense, with a particular interest in interaction with nature, and the challenges of transforming the planet.

This time, the subject of water will be at the heart of the writing process: water, that blue gold that runs through our bodies and the earth, indispensable to life.
This water, joyful, clear, pure and free, strong, loved and abused, which is contaminated by our ever more thirsty lifestyles… This water that overflows, floods and becomes increasingly scarce, until it disappears.

Young audience – February 2026
2/3 performers

Interpretation Louise Hardouin and Jules Sadoughi
Writing and dramaturgy Mariette Navarro
Lighting design Laurent Patissier

 Artistic file on demand : communication@cfbenaim.com

« A drop of powerful water is enough to create a world and dissolve the night. »
– Gaston Bachelard

Trio – Multidisciplinary form dance & circus
from 6 /7 years old

Although the subject of the piece carries a certain gravity and questions the urgency of action, we want to use a light-hearted, joyful tone, and play with the
“big” questions, exposing the everyday and the ordinary in the form of parables. Our aim is to seize on reality by diverting it with touches of absurdity and fantasy, and in the process, poetically question its meaning.

To compose this script, we’d like to draw inspiration from different geographical realities and interweave different stories to define an imaginary reality.

A desert in my kitchen? could be anything from the abracadabrantesque journey of an empty glass in search of water in the kitchen of an old man who has never cried, to a sip of water flowing from hollow to hollow in a hand-to-hand duet, in a world without water, to 3 children playing as if there were, to the ballet of a rain dance where shadows emerge from a world suddenly invaded by mist…

Coproductions  L’Odyssée – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national “Art et création”, Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar, Le Figuier Blanc, Fondation Royaumont
With the support and technical assistance of Les Plateaux Sauvages
Support Atelier de Paris – Centre de développement chorégraphique national, Les Tréteaux de France – Centre dramatique national

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