Tender anger starts from a state of stupefaction in the face of the world. What can we do when meaning no longer exists? When the destruction of living things and the wandering of humanity seem inescapable?
To revolt, to unite, to console, to go to war: these are all avenues open to the individual when he turns his dismay towards the group. The result is a troubling alchemy in which individual wills surrender to the collective, intoxicated by its fraternal and consoling power, letting themselves be carried beyond themselves to find yet another reason to exist. Even if it means tilting at windmills.
Tender anger is an invitation to act, to find ourselves, to reinvent ourselves together. A powerful piece, addressed to each and every one of us by ten virtuoso performers.
All audiences
10 dancers
Dance performance Eva Assayas, Jamil Attar, Johan Bichot, Alex Blondeau, Rosanne Briens, Chiara Corbetta, Andrea Givanovitch, Jeremy Kouyoumdjian, Andréa Moufounda, Emilio Urbina
Choreographic assistant Alex Blondeau
Musical composition Patrick de Oliveira
Recorded vocals Myriam Djémour
Costume design Mossi Traoré
Lighting design Laurent Patissier
Dramaturgic eye Véronique Sternberg
Stage management Stéphane Holvêque and Christophe Velay
Artistic file on demand: communication@cfbenaim.com

Production CFB 451
Co-production and residency Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar (92), Théâtre Jean Vilar – Vitry-sur-Seine (94), La Maison / Nevers – Scène conventionnée Art en territoire (58)
Co-production Escher Theater (Luxembourg), Château Rouge – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art & Création d’Annemasse (74), Équinoxe – Scène Nationale de Châteauroux (36), Théâtre Jacques Carat – Cachan (94), Théâtre Antoine Watteau – Nogent-sur-Marne (94)
Support ADAMI, SPEDIDAM, DRAC Ile-de-France (soutien à la production d’une grande forme), Région Ile-de-France (aide à la création)
Residency La Faïencerie Théâtre de Creil – Scène conventionnée Art en territoire (60), L’Orange Bleue* – Eaubonne (95) avec le soutien d’Escale Danse (95), L’Envolée – Pôle artistique du Val Briard (77)
Studios Centre National de la Danse – CN D (93), La Briqueterie CDNC du Val-de-Marne (94), Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS (75)
La Faïencerie Théâtre de Creil – Scène conventionnée Art en territoire (60)
L’Orange Bleue* – Eaubonne (95)